Working Groups

University Politics

Survival Guide

LiU PhD survival guide.pdf

We collect helpful information for PhD students and provide a PDF with tips and tricks for a healthy and successful PhD life. We share an updated version with the PhD administrators every fall.

Current members:  Reyhane Falanji, Md Fahim Sikder

Past members: Maryam Rafati, Stephanie Cordova, Klervie Toczé, Claudia Schnitter

Digital Degrees

LiUPhD is lobbying for an improvement of the digital degrees, and the option to get a stamped and signed paper degree. As PhD students may enter the international job market it is especially important that the doctor certificate is recognized not only in Sweden but on an international level. 

Current members:  Klervie Toczé, Claudia Schnitter, Sarah Bloem

Summary Issues Digital Degree Certificates.pdf

Migration Information

This group collects information about migration struggles with the goal to inform administrators at the departments about common problems and how to prevent them.

Current members:  Md Fahim Sikder

Past members: Arvind Balachandran, Rodrigo Moraes, Sachin Sharma

PhD Council Network

LiUPhD organises a network for PhD student representatives and other PhD students involved in local councils at the different departments of LiU.

Main responsible board member: Sarah Bloem

Educational Concerns

This group collects information about different educational questions and collaborates wih the Student Unions to create educational activities for PhD students

Current members:  Myung Hwa Baldini

Past members: Amanda Hoskins

Social & Networking

Social Events

We organise networking events, for example

Nobel Dinner

We organise an annual Nobel dinner (sittning) in December in collaboration with DomFil.

Current members:  Elis Wibacke, Konrad Smolarczyk, Wei Cao, Reyhane Falanji and others

Public Relations

We take care of LiUPhDs communication and online presence. This includes 

Current members: Wei Cao


We design and distribute LiUPhD merchandise articles, such as sweaters and stickers. 

Current members: TBD

Missing anything? Contact us for starting a working group!
Any member can start a working group, you do not have to be part of the board. 

Examples of Past Activities

Science Expo

LiUPhD is organizing regular science fairs in collaboration with Mjärdevi Science Park to showcase academic work and foster interaction between PhD students and industry.

Organizing members: Viktor Werner, Lucija Batinovic

Covid-19 Barometer

We developed an online survey to get a better picture of how PhD students at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Technical Faculty are affected by the pandemic and by working in distance mode. The barometer has led to prolongation of contracts at some departments.

Members: Hannah Pelikan, Viktor Werner, Klervie Toczé, Alexandra Kapeller, Elisabeth Klint

Report Covid19 Barometer May.pdf

Doctoral Ombud

LiUPhD was lobbying for a doctoral ombud (doktorandombud) who can function as a neutral contact person for PhD student matters at central university level. This was a successful endeavor and since September 2022, LiU has a Doktorandombud! 

Members:  Sofia Thunberg, Klervie Toczé, Daniel Bladh, Asher Goldstein