Welcome to LiUPhD! We are the association (sektion) for doctoral students at Linköping University and act as a PhD student faculty council (doktorandråd för fakultet) for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Linköping University.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated about events and university politics. Looking forward to see you at the next event! 

Want to support our work? Join a working group!

Doktorandombud (Doctoral Student Officer)

Anna Arvidsson serves as the Doctoral Student Officer (DO) for all doctoral students across all faculties at LiU, where she also represents them on the Education Committee. She offers confidential consultations to doctoral students seeking impartial advice on their study situation, supervision, or work environment, and can either provide guidance on taking further action or represent the student throughout the university's handling of their case. Additionally, Anna assists students with general inquiries, helping them navigate issues like locating postgraduate courses, establishing contact networks with other PhD students, or accessing information in English.

Email: do@lust.liu.se
Visiting Address: Plan 3, Kårallen, Campus Valla
Phone: 070 - 269 45 08 

Activities Calendar

Digital Certificates

LiUPhD and DoStuc working group on digital degree certicate has compiled a report summarizing issues and concerns with the digital degree certificates at LiU.  If you agree that these are of relevance to you and would like the university to address them, please sign our petition.

Get the summarized report here!

Get the full version here!

Events Gallery

Nobel Dinner 2022
Logo Painting 2022
Nobel Dinner 2021
Logo Painting 2021